SEND - Edition 4

FEE SIMPLE : Yuxwule’tun vs Elizabeth II : Terra Nullius Denied

The rights for the “good of the whole” shall determine the contemporary evolution of entitlement to land.

Law and order, and its good administration, rests upon the ethic of peaceful resolutions to issues in dispute.

The historical principles of Gus Wen Tah – Peace, trust and Friendship – endows social culture with the venues for achieving acceptable agreements on contentious issues.

The matters of Fee Simple and the test of ownership of the original individual right to stand, occupy and enjoy the benefits of a parcel of land rests with the boundaries of settlement through a fair and judicious format that is available to all citizens.

Elizabeth II speaks through the Crown to claim specific radical title or allodium to all land within her realm.

The individual citizen today questions this historical claim to possession and rights of disposition of these lands. And, in fact, it is the claim of right that the citizen now stands forward to declare a possessory claim of freehold.

The principles of rights and mutual duties arise in these questions of land entitlement. And, the test within a free and democratic society will fall within the boundaries of natural justice: i.e., fairness, as determined within good and just cause.

Therefore, the journey of the rights of children to the International Court of Justice at the Hague to test these conflicts between the Elizabeth II and the Yuxwule’tun will afford the opportunity to establish the 
fundamental ownership of land of Turtle Island / Canada.

The questions of aboriginal title versus the claimed title by Elizabeth II shall provide a framework to establish an agreement that will provide clarity for the children of yesterday and tomorrow.

In summary, this legal question of fee simple may be expressed as an opportunity to determine the legacy of Terra Nullius; which shall further pose questions that will claim issues beyond Elizabeth II; and, onto the podiums of the Church of England and the Holy See.

And, the test of fee simple will further strive to establish a more comprehensive declaration of rules for entitlement to be a registered state at the United Nations.

In 1923, Chief Deskaheh, as delegate on behalf of aboriginal peoples, was denied an audience to offer his claim in Vienna before the General Assembly of the League of Nations. Today, the Salishan Nation children of Turtle Island may be afforded on behalf of all children to a more judicious and diplomatic entitlement before the World Court.

huy’ ch qu’, Respectfully,
Yuxwule’tun / Ralph Charles Goodwin
Speaker on behalf of Sthuy’shen ‘Telew T-hw